1-on-1 Depth Mentoring

1-on-1 Depth Mentoring supports you to develop a living relationship with the inner and outer depths so that you can more fully participate in the ongoing creation of your life.

Mentoring is a synergistic combination of “weeding” and “seeding”.

During the “weeding” work, you are supported to critically and compassionately identify and examine the patterns, strategies, habits, and beliefs that no longer serve you. Instead of simply tossing these things aside, you are encouraged to recognize the ways in which they have actually helped you to navigate the world. This work requires a deep level of acceptance and the active cultivation of self-compassion. It is through this compassionate embrace and the gradual incorporation of these parts of yourself that the “weeding” happens, not through their abrupt removal. As such, a synonym for “weeding” is “healing”.

In the “seeding” stage, you are guided to envision and create the most amazing life that you can imagine. What are your biggest dreams? What do you truly want in life? What does it mean to live a good life? Why is there a gap between your dreams and your reality, and how do you close it? By engaging questions such as these, you will undoubtedly encounter limiting stories and beliefs that must be acknowledged and transformed. You will also confront your world view, including your beliefs about the world and your place in it. The “seeding” work is an opportunity to take radical responsibility for your life. A synonym for “seeding” is “wholing”, as in cultivating your innate wholeness and growing into your full potential.

We will work together to chart a course through the “weeding” and “seeding” of your mentoring journey, while also being responsive to your emerging needs.

1-on-1 Depth Mentoring is rooted in the principles and practices of depth psychology, spiritual ecology, deep nature connection, and evolutionary cosmology. This work is inherently embodied, so embodiment practices will be suggested throughout, along with imaginal exercises, writing practices, ritual, and more.

Schedule a free 60-minute discovery call to learn more!

  • Ezekiel is the real deal. In a landscape of “recipes for healing”, he offers a most potent ingredient: authenticity. His emphasis on Nature and its inherent wisdom is a potent and timeless balm.


  • Working with Ezekiel has been enormously helpful in strengthening my connection to myself, other people, and the divine. Sometimes I need practical guidance and other times a more mystical approach; Ezekiel is able to sense what is needed and help me discover new insights about myself and my place in the world.


  • In my work with Ezekiel, I was able to make significant progress on my goals. I would highly recommend him to anyone looking for guidance and accountability in personal developmental work.


Frequently Asked Questions


What does the mentoring journey entail?

  • The mentoring journey is unique to each person. In general, you can expect your mentor to ask probing questions, reflect back to you your strengths, growth areas, and blind spots (mirroring), and provide guidance as you navigate the inner terrain and deepen your relationship with the Living World. You and your mentor will work together to clarify your goals, track your journey, and review your progress.

How frequently do sessions occur?

  • You and your mentor will determine the right frequency for sessions. In general, sessions occur weekly or every other week.

How many sessions are required?

  • There is no designated endpoint to mentoring, nor is there any required length of commitment.

How long are mentoring sessions?

  • Sessions are generally 60-75 minutes long.

Where do we meet?

  • Sessions are conducted over Zoom, although in-person sessions are possible for folks in the New River and Roanoke Valleys of Southwest Virginia.

Isn’t mentoring something for the corporate world or youth programs?

  • In the corporate world, mentoring is often used to describe the relationship between someone who is more advanced in their career and someone who is younger and just starting out. The express goal of this relationship is helping the younger, less-experienced person advance in their career.

  • In the context of youth programs, mentoring describes the relationship between an adult mentor and a youth mentee. In this context, the adult is a positive role model for the young person.

  • While there are archetypal similarities between these forms of mentoring and the mentoring that we offer (in the sense that they are all based on a committed and special type of relationship), 1-on-1 Depth Mentoring is fundamentally different.

  • The essence of Depth Mentoring is about providing guidance on the journey of psychospiritual development. In this sense, it is more similar to traditional therapy (although it is certainly not therapy and makes no claims to be!). Depth Mentoring differs from therapy in the sense that the focus is not exclusively (or even primarily) on healing from the past. Rather, the focus is on supporting you to find and inhabit your authentic place of belonging in the larger community of life on Earth.

Is mentoring covered by insurance?

  • No, mentoring is not covered by insurance. You are required to cover the full cost of mentoring, but no one is turned away due to a lack of funds.

How much does mentoring cost?

  • 1-on-1 Depth Mentoring is offered on a sliding-scale basis. The sliding scale is from $80-$180 per hour.

  • If this amount is prohibitive for you, please reach out. I reserve a certain number of spots in my practice for clients who can’t afford this scale.

  • If you do not show up for a session or if you do not give at least 24 hours notice of your inability to attend a scheduled session, you are still responsible for the cost of that session.

What members of the Deep Belonging team are available as mentors?

  • At this point, Ezekiel is the only person offering 1-on-1 Depth Mentoring.

If you have additional questions or would like to learn more, contact us today!

Schedule a free 60-minute discovery call to learn more!