Re-membering the Wild Earth

“We are Earthseed
The life that perceives itself

—Octavia Butler

Re-membering the Wild Earth

Re-membering the Wild Earth is an invitation to rediscover the sacred nature of the Earth and to re-member ourselves as integral parts of the wild, living landscape. In this immersive retreat, we will gather together to explore what it means to truly belong to the Earth community. We will spend solo time on the land engaging in consciousness-shifting practices to attune our awareness to the inner and outer depths. We will sit in council, speaking, listening, and learning from the heart. We will engage in group ceremony and bear witness to our vulnerabilities. This retreat is designed to give participants an experiential and conceptual foundation to reconnect with the living world.

All meals (mostly local and organic) will be provided.


The rhythm for each day will include soulcentric dreamwork, deep nature connection practices, sacred council, creative expression (e.g., writing, painting, music making), and community meal time. Opportunities will be available for individual mentoring.

Quotes from Past Retreat Participants

“A retreat with Deep Belonging invites you to return, remember and conspire with the Mystery. You'll be held in a safe container to explore the collective unconscious and commune with the Cosmos, within and without. Kim and Ezekiel are dedicated and trusting guides that will inspire and ground your experience. I highly suggest you take the leap and join them on their next retreat.”

— Piper P.

“Ezekiel and Kim were amazing guides into a weekend-long waking dream in which life was slower, more heart-centered, and more tasty than normal. I left feeling more centered and accepted, more sure of my purpose, and more eager to continue to regularly connect with blue jays, June bugs, crawfish, hemlocks, and other living beings as a way to stay connected with that purpose.”

— Jazmine F.

“Being out on the land with deep intention and surrender helped me connect further with the wisdom of the more-than-human world and reaffirm my belonging in this life. After returning home, I was aware of a sweet and sincere intimacy in my relationships, both at home and in my work in the world.”

— Carolyn R.

Retreat Details

Dates: Friday-Sunday, September 23-26, 2022

Location: Floyd County, VA

Lodging: Camping

Food: All meals provided (breakfast, lunch, dinner). You may want to bring additional snacks.

Guides: Kim O’Donnell & Ezekiel Fugate

Cost*: Three pricing options

  1. Solidarity cost: $425

  2. Full cost: $550

  3. Pay-it-forward cost: $675



Space is limited to 12 participants.

*PLEASE NOTE, if these costs are prohibitive, but you are called to participate, please reach out. We offer additional scholarships with no questions asked.